Online reservation for
Luncheon Seminar

Online reservation is available for the luncheon seminars (a boxed lunch (Bento) will be served) at NEURO2024. You can reserve the luncheon seminar of your choice in advance without having to come to the luncheon seminar ticket desk every morning during the meeting.

1. Reservation Method

Reservation period : July 3 (Wed) 10:00 – July 8 (Mon) 12:00 noon *Japan time
*drawn by lot
The maximum number of reservations per participant: 1luncheon seminar each day (Maximum 3 in total)
Notification of the lottery results: A notification email will be sent to the winner around mid-July. Please keep the email carefully until the day of the event.

2. Reservation Process

  1. Please access the online reservation site from the button below and type in the necessary items according to the instructions. You will receive a confirmation email upon completion of your reservation.
  2. A notification email will be sent to the winner around mid-July. On the day of the seminar, please show the winning email sent by the secretariat to the staff at the luncheon seminar desk.
  3. After confirming your email, the staff will give you a boxed lunch voucher, which you can receive a boxed lunch in exchange for upon entering the room.

3. Notes

  1. Reservations are determined by lottery and cannot be changed after application.
  2. The following information about your advance registration for NEURO2024 is required to submit an online reservation application.
    ・Advance registration ID
    ・Registered email address
  3. Please keep the confirmation email since you can confirm the contents of the application only in it once you apply.
  4. In case the payment of the registration fees is not confirmed, your reservation will be voided.
  5. Luncheon seminar tickets will be distributed on the meeting site, however, the number of tickets is limited.

〇 Luncheon seminar desk(tentative)

Opening hours:
July 24, 8:00-10:30
July 25 & 26, 7:30-10:30
Foyer, 1F, Fukuoka International Congress Center
*Ticket distribution will end when the planned number of tickets is given out.

4. Privacy Policy

Only those who complete advance registration for NEURO2024 can submit a luncheon seminar reservation application. By applying, you agree to the following “Privacy Policy”.

Privacy Policy

  • NEURO2024 Secretariat (hereinafter referred to as “the Secretariat”) protects personal information based on the laws and regulations related to in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. The secretariat never uses personal information for unintended purposes and never provides it to a third party other than the co-hosting companies organizing luncheon seminars (hereinafter referred to as “the co-hosting companies”), except as specified in the laws and regulations related to in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. The co-hosting companies organize luncheon seminars in compliance with the confidentially of personal information specified in the laws and regulations related to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
  • The personal information of participants in NEURO2024 submitted to the secretariat through the entry system for luncheon seminars will be protected properly.
  • The secretariat and the co-hosting companies use personal information within the range required for organizing seminars, sending e-mail newsletters, communicating, etc. To unsubscribe, please follow the procedure in e-mails sent from the secretariat and the co-hosting companies.

5. Online Reservation Application

Start from July 3, 10:00

Sumit a Reservation application

6. Inquiries

NEURO2024 Exhibition Secretariat
